+87 Quotes By Female Naturalists

Quotes By Female Naturalists. “as we work to know the life that surrounds us, we stand in a lineage of naturalists — past, present, and even future. 25 inspirational quotes from women in science.

Alpha female Black women quotes, Strong women quotes, Woman quotes
Alpha female Black women quotes, Strong women quotes, Woman quotes from www.pinterest.com

“shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. “one of the criticisms i’ve faced over the years is that i’m not aggressive enough or assertive enough or maybe somehow, because i’m empathetic, it means i’m weak. “the ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have.”.

Regardless Of How Miserable Or How.

“i’m a geek, i like to code, i even like to use spreadsheets when i cook.”. Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. — serbian performance artist marina abramovic.

I’m Not A Woman At Google, I’m A Geek At Google.

I totally rebel against that. “for the most part people are not curious except about themselves.”. These quotes are a source of inspiration for anyone who loves the very things that are meant for all of us (but historically have not always been for all of us):

Strong Men Believe In Cause And Effect.”.

I put all my effort into living.”. Try 3 issues of bbc wildlife magazine for just £5. “shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance.

25 Inspirational Quotes From Women In Science.

“as we work to know the life that surrounds us, we stand in a lineage of naturalists — past, present, and even future. From the late 1600s to the 1950s our journey examines numerous “firsts”, like jane colden, america’s first female botanist; — artist vali myers, the witch of positano.

“Happiness Comes From The Full Understanding Of Your Own Being.”.

A selection of nature writings (paperback) by. And being a geek is just great. The achievements of many women in history have been overlooked, with.

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